[Cold Knowledge Monday] The third week of the quiz game with prizes


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    • #8488
      AvatarAmy Hui

        From April 11th to May 30th, there will be a quiz game every Monday at 5pm for 8 consecutive weeks! The 10 participants who answer each question correctly will receive 5 reusable cloth masks each!

        This week's questions are:


        Answer the answer below to participate in the game.

        Activity Details:

        1. Each participant can only submit an answer once. If a participant submits multiple answers, the institution will use the first answer as the final answer.
        2. The organization has the final and binding decision on this event (such as participation qualification, award qualification, award list and award collection arrangement, etc.). In case of any disputes, the agency reserves the right of final decision and interpretation.
      • #8492
        AvatarAmy Hui


          不倒翁不會倒的原因是因為它上輕下重,底部有較重的鐵塊,重心很低;另一方面, 它的底面大而圓滑,當不倒翁向一邊傾斜時,由於支點(不倒翁和桌面的接觸點)發生變動,重心和支點就不在同一條鉛垂線上,這時候,不倒翁在重力的作用下會繞支點擺動,直到恢復正常的位置。不倒翁傾斜的程度越大,重心離開支點的水平距離就越大,重力產生的擺動效果也越大,使它恢復到原位的趨勢也就越顯著,所以不倒翁是永遠推不倒的。

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