【Quiz game with prizes】Why does the submarine float and sink freely?


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    • #8517
      AvatarAmy Hui

        Students who know the answer can answer below, and the 10 participants who answered correctly will receive 5 reusable cloth masks each!


        The correct answer will be announced on Thursday.


        Activity Details:

        1. Each participant can only submit an answer once. If a participant submits multiple answers, the institution will use the first answer as the final answer.
        2. The organization has the final and binding decision on this event (such as participation qualification, award qualification, award list and award collection arrangement, etc.). In case of any disputes, the agency reserves the right of final decision and interpretation.
      • #8519
        AvatarAmy Hui

          答案: 這是與浮力作用有關。當一個物體的重力小於浮力時,它就能漂浮在水面,相反就會沉下去。潛水艇設計是有兩層外殼,內外殼之間有水艙。潛水艇透過加水和排水控制自身的重量, 若要潛水艇浮上水面,就排水;若要潛水艇下沉,就加水。這樣潛水艇便可以浮沉自如了。

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