
Solab is a non-profit and free online platform for learning STEM.

Made for all

Everyone has the right and opportunity to learn STEM. Solab was founded for this purpose.

Created by you

There is no limit to exploration, you can expand your knowledge here at anytime, and from anywhere.

Donate Us

Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation supports an all-rounded approach to education — extracurricular opportunities for every child in need in Hong Kong.

Your gift could also help pay for STEM education training for teachers in under-resourced schools, which in turn, would immensely help improve students’ learning.

No matter who you are, we believe that access to a well-rounded education is a right, not a privilege. Education is a life-changing experience that can lift families and individuals from the vicious poverty cycle.

Support our movement of changing the lives of underprivileged students.

FPS ID: 166138065

QR Code: QR code for FPS

Donate via

Beneficiary Bank: DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
DBS Bank Code: 016
Branch Code: 478
Current Account: 001 215 609
Address: 11th Floor, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong.

Please mail the completed donation form and a crossed cheque to:

Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation Limited
Room 1302, 13/F, Prosperity Tower
39 Queen’s Road Central
Central, Hong Kong
